
The Genuine vs Saya
Posted originally on the SquidgeWorld Archive at

Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning:
Major Character Death
Vs. / Antagonistic
沙耶の唄 | Saya no Uta | The Song of Saya, ソルティレイ | Solty Rei [Anime]
Saya [Saya no Uta] vs Solty Revant | Dike, Sakisaka Fuminori/Saya - Mentioned
Sakisaka Fuminori - Mentioned, Saya [Saya no Uta], Solty Revant | Dike
Additional Tags:
One Shot, Antagonist Relationship, Crossover, Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, No Romance, Battle, Blood and Violence, Fights, Tentacles, Robots, Androids, Robots & AI, Eldritch Abominations [Cthulhu Mythos], Monsters, Sad and Happy, Ambiguous/Open Ending, Green Hair, Green Eyes, White Dress, Female Characters, Lovecraftian, Word count: 100 - 500, POV Third Person Limited, Autistic Author, Rare Fandoms, Betaed - No, Cross-Posted from AO3, Translation, Translated from French
Published: 2025-02-22 Words: 372 Chapters: 1/1

The Genuine vs Saya


One-shot. Saya no Uta meets Solty Rei.
Among the ruins of melted flesh and bone, Solty faces the strange girl with dark mint-green hair dressed in a white dress.

The Genuine vs Saya

Among the ruins of melted flesh and bone, ruins with the smell of decomposition, Solty faces the strange girl with dark mint-green hair dressed in a white dress.

“Who are you?” The girl asks innocently.

“I'm Solty.”

“Solty? That's a nice name.” Said the girl, smiling. “I'm Saya. Will you be my friend?”

“No.” Solty replies and the girl's smile disappears from her face. “I know who you are. Who you truly are. I'm not going to let you destroy this world by reproduction!”

“What are you talking about?” Saya asks in a serious tone.

“Do not take me for a foolish little girl. I'm a Genuine.”

“I know. An android from another planet. It's pure coincidence that you're here.”

“Maybe but I'm still going to stop you Saya!”

Solty wants to pounce on the girl in the white dress when ligaments of flesh, like tentacles, seize her. The green-haired Genuine doesn't panic. With her great natural strength, she frees herself from the ligaments, turning them into bloody pieces. 

“No!” Saya exclaimed, not expecting Solty to break free. “Fuminori? Are you there, my love? HELP ME!”

“He's not coming to save you.” Solty retorted. “I knocked him out before I came to you.”

The dark mint-green haired girl wants to hide her fear but she keeps screaming for help. No one hears her, except Solty.

The green-haired android punches her in the stomach. Saya's breath stops. Her fragile body falls to the ground. The Genuine puts her body on top of her and ravages her with punches. Saya's white dress is stained with her blood. Solty hits her hard on the head and her fist crushes her flesh, reaching her brain. The mint-green-haired girl dies instantly.

Disgusted, the green-haired Genuine removes her hand from Saya's head. She stands up and sees Saya's corpse disappear. The ruins of melted flesh and bone become the walls and floors of a house.

Solty has eliminated the threat. This planet is safe. Now all she has to do is find a way back to her home planet. She'd like to stay and help Fuminori, but since he was under Saya's control, Solty doesn't know how he'll react. Thus the android starts walking towards an unknown destination.


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